Accumulators removal

Typically if you need an overhaul, refill


On SRH25085 (SY1 1977) both accumulators are at front-left. You can access them from under the car or if wheel is removed.

0-View from under

At left oil filter and oil dipstick

1-Bleeding both accumulators

In order to remove remaining liquid. Note that in the present case, the brake reservoir has already been removed. AND the two return pipes have been disconnected.
Tools: 11 mm - 7/16 in. open spanner

2-Disconnect the contact switch cable

This is the warning lamp switch. A pressure sensor sends a red light warning to the dashboard in case of low pressure.

3-Release high pressure hose (blue) to distribution valve on accumulator 1

(better tool : flare nut wrench)
Tools: 11 mm - 7/16 in. open spanner

4-Hose removed

5-Port blanked

How are the accumulators secured ?

Each accumulator is secured by 3 setscrews making a triangle. Plus one nut at the very bottom.

6-Remove the first setscrew on acc#1

This setscrew hold a clip that is also securing the electric cable to the contact switch. Use mini ratchet
Tools: 11mm - 7/16 in. socket

Move electric cable away to gain space

7-Remove lower nut

Comes with a washer
Tools: 11mm - 7/16 in. socket

8-Remove second setscrew on acc#1

This setscrew is located next to the contact switch connector and secures the oil dipstick. Sensor is of acc#2
Tools: 11mm - 7/16 in. socket

9-Release third setscrew on acc#1

Prior to doing this, remove contact switch lid on acc#2 in order to gain access. On the picture, the wole left handside is part of acc#1.
Tools: 11mm - 7/16 in. socket

At this point..

It is necessary to have a good access to the top of both accumulators.

10-Remove front left wheel

Release nuts clockwise.

11-Top of acc#1 seen from under wheel arch

Acc#1 : Left : return pipe to reservoir. Right : inlet from FRONT pump. You can notice that the return pipe from acc#2 is on the way if you want to remove the big nut. It's a good idea to remove it first to avoid damage.

12-Remove first setscrew on acc#2

In order to remove the pipe (see former picture) you need to remove one of the three setscrew that secures acc#2 and also the electric cable running to the acc#1 contact switch. Setscrew comes with 2 washers : 1 thin 1 thick.
Tools: 11mm - 7/16 in. socket

13-First setscrew on acc#2 removed

See the ring holding the cable.
Tools: 11mm - 7/16 in. socket

14-Release the return pipe from acc#2

Tools: 13mm / 1/2 inch. flare nut wrench

15-Release inlet pipe to pump on acc#1

Now that the return pipe from acc#2 has been removed you can access to inlet pipe on acc#1. Hold firmly the top nut with flare nut wrench and unscrew the low nut with open spanner. Finish with stubby wrench.
Tools: 3/4 - 19mm flare nut wrench

16-Remove return pipe from acc#1

In order to disengage the accumulator #1 assembly. On the picture the pipe has already been removed and the port is blanked.
Tools: 11 mm - 7/16 in. open spanner

17-Ease down acc#1

18-Acc#1 removed

Notice the triangle where the setscrews securing acc#1 were located.

19-Remove lower nut securing acc#2

Can be sen at the middile of the picture. Pointing down in reality.
Tools: 11mm - 7/16 in. socket with extension

20-Accessing the low nut securing acc#2

Tools: 11mm - 7/16 in. socket with extension

21-Remove low-right setscrew at the acc#2 triangle.

can be seen here in the middle of the picture.
Tools: 11mm - 7/16 in. socket

22-Remove low-left setscrew at the acc#2 triangle.

Comes with a washer.
Tools: 7/16 - 11mm stubby

23-Remove blue pipe to distribution valve on acc#2

Tools: 7/16 - 11mm flare nut wrench

24-Release inlet pipe to pump on acc#2

Same as (15). NOTE : if you need to pull very strongly on the wrench, you must FIRST put back in place at least 2 setscrews that you formerly removed in (13 - 21 - 22)

25-Accumulators removed : see the two triangles for setscrews locations

26-Accumulators assemblies ready for maintenance

To be continued soon

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