Accumulators opening tools compilation

How to open an accumulator of SY (that is a one that can be serviced, not disposable).
According to the workshop manual
Section G6 - Hydraulic Accumulators. mentions "2. Clamp the sphere in a vice fitted with jaw protectors and using the special tool RH 8144 remove the clamping". But this tool (even if it is documented) can not be found currently.
Source: Workshop manual
British tools substitute
A pro in the US, Kelly Opfar, sells a sbustitute of the RR original tool, it can be seen working here It is expensive but you don't have to build it yourself.
Source: The Rolls-Royce Forum - Australia
Another method
Developed by Mr Leonard Stampton
Source: The Rolls-Royce Forum - Australia
Here another clever tool by Mr Chris Miller
Source: The Rolls-Royce Forum - Australia
Here a tool by Mr Brian vogel
Also documented here (more pictures and explanations)
Source: The Rolls-Royce Forum - Australia
And one by Mr Geoff Wooton
Source: The Rolls-Royce Forum - Australia
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